Your Majesty — 10 things
November 3rd · Issue #293

Hey ,

Yesterday at MET AMS our Managing Director Georgios Athanassiadis, together with Web3/CGI panelists Amé Raaphorst and Raúl Cerezo, shared their insights for brands during a panel session on “Navigating CGI & Digital Culture”.

Takeaways included:

  • Start with your brand’s vision, then consider which technology fits 
  • Stay true to your authentic brand, don’t just copy/paste what others are doing for the sake of a trend 
  • AI is great for unique concepts, however, human input is essential for digital content curation and craftsmanship
  • Empower your teams by giving those who are interested in emerging tech the time, tools and budget to work things out
  • Create content efficiencies, where relevant, use AI tools to balance content quantity with quality 
  • Seek external advice, as the quantity of tech developments is overwhelming, experts can help you distil what’s relevant to you 

We’d love to hear what trends you’re seeing in this space!

Until next time, 
⚔️ Your Majesty 

Georgios shares our experiences and insights on stage at MET AMS,


1. Tech doesn’t make our lives easier. It makes them faster

This author explains how capitalism doesn’t care if we want to use or adopt new technologies, it’s built to encourage us to want more, and then when we’re burned out, the cycle starts again. 

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2. If you want to live a life rich in meaning, first you must learn how to do nothing

Explore the tools that can bring awareness to the micro choices we make daily - are they aligned with what truly calls and enlivens us?

Find out more


3. My AI Predictions 2023 - 2026

An intuitive view, rather than research, of the coming years in the AI space, from someone working in field robots. 

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4. Motion Design Principles 

Learn more about the power of Motion, through an experience that does exactly that – showcases the power of UI/UX animation in conveying the mood and character of a brand.

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5. Making Motion Meaningful 

Keen to learn even more about motion? Google's classic four principles of motion help designers and developers implement effective motion design.

Learn even more


6. The startup working to teach AI about African history

A volunteer-ran digital archive and search engine is collating news stories, to help ensure Africa is accurately represented in this era of AI and LLM. 

Learn more


7. COPY MAGAZINE – the world’s first AI fashion magazine

A narrative of style and originality formed purely from a collaboration with generative AI. This is a beautiful example of technology enriching and amplifying human creativity. 

Explore the mag


8. How AI is changing the art market 

Technologies such as AR, online viewing rooms and high-resolution imagery have already positively benefitted the art market, but what about AI?  

Get the scoop


9. Artificial General Intelligence Is Already Here

Making history – today’s most advanced AI models have many flaws, but decades from now, they will be recognized as the first true examples of artificial general intelligence.

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10. Data Provenance Explorer

The Data Provenance Initiative is a large-scale audit of AI datasets used to train large language models. The purpose of this work is to improve transparency, documentation and informed use of datasets in AI.

Get the data insights

“Instead of letting your hardships and failures discourage or exhaust you, let them inspire you. Let them make you even hungrier to succeed” 

— Michelle Obama

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