‘Tis the season of goal setting and reflection, so that’s exactly what we did together as a team yesterday – open conversations, a mindset of continuous improvement and a sense of optimism for the year ahead.
To reflect back on 10 Things, we’ve reviewed and collated the most popular links from throughout the year. Despite the intensity of the news, just two AI-based articles appeared in this top 10 – it looks like we were all seeking an escape from the onslaught of updates!
Enjoy the highlights, and here’s to a brilliant 2024,
⚔️ Your Majesty
10 Things by Art Director, Alexia
1. The age of average
In an age where literally everything looks the same, is it time to introduce some originality into design, culture and life?
"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
— Martin Luther King Jr
10 Things is the only newsletter you need to get the best reads, listens, videos, and websites the internet offers. We share a rare blend of content related to strategy, design, technology, business, culture, and weird internet randomness every two weeks.
It’s brought to you by Your Majesty—Creating brand experiences and digital products for fashion and technology pioneers.
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